Friday, July 11, 2008

Last day in Paris

It's 1 a.m. here and I have to take a taxi to the airport in seven hours. As part of my own personal re-acclimatization to the U.S. program I went and saw Hancock on the Champs-Elysées. I know the critics hated the movie, but I also know that seeing anything on the Champs-Elysées automatically boosts its rating for me.

Before I cross my fingers and try to pack my suitcase full of goodies for the kids and enough chocolate to last a self-disciplined person a few months, I will indulge myself by posting two photos that don't quite fit my "architectural detail" definition:

First, from the rock star of all pastry chefs, Pierre Hermé, a rather architectural dessert:
I bought this yesterday. It's called (and I translate...) an "individual plenitude." Plenitude indeed. Chocolate in several forms, a little caramel, some fleur de sel, love, magic, etc. It cost me more than twice as much as the sandwich I ate for lunch (you've got to have priorities). Maybe I'm just seeing architectural detail everywhere or maybe it's just that desserts like this deserve their own photo session before being eaten. Ephemeral architecture.

And then, there's the Eiffel Tower at night....
This definitely NOT an architectural detail shot (unless you count light as a detail). Without a tripod or the hands of a surgeon you can't get a night shot of the Eiffel Tower without some blur, so if it has to be blurry why not make it on purpose? This was the result of me moving my camera around in a heart-like shape during a one-second (approx.) exposure. I'm sure the people around me thought I was less-than-adapt at holding my camera still, but I think the photo feels joyful.

Be sure to check out the Monthly Special. Another brave soul has conquered the architectural challenge. Will you be next?

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