Saturday, August 9, 2008

Other People's Pictures or Who's down with OPP?

press photo from OPP

Have you ever purchased snapshots from other people's abandoned albums at a flea market? I have. And according to a blurb from The New York Post, that might make me part of the "little-known world of eccentric collectors." You down with OPP? (Yeah you know me). Kind of puts a new spin on the Naughty by Nature song, doesn't it?

While channel surfing, I noticed a documentary called Other People's Pictures, and given this month's theme, I had to watch it. But alas! The satellite feed for the Documentary Channel wasn't working properly, so all I can say is that it looks promising and I've set the DVR to record it tomorrow. (Incidentally, if you happen to get that channel, it also plays on the 19th, 20th, and 25th of this month)

another press photo from OPP

Why on earth would anyone collect family photos of another person's family? Is it creepy? pathetic? or just plain eccentric? I haven't examined the question for myself, but I will do it here in a future post. The question I have asked while sifting through piles of photos at the Vanves flea market is how did these photos get here? Why aren't they cherished by their rightful family? Seeing the photos makes me think of the heart-wrenching song from Toy Story 2, "When She Loved Me." Watch the video and tell me it doesn't make you verklempt:


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