Saturday, October 18, 2008

Variation on the October Monthly Special: Personality Pie Chart

Click to enlarge. Then you can see the words as well as my imperfect pie chart (made with the help of the pen tool—something I never use).

If you're not into the dot grid thing, but you still want to do the October Monthly Special...get creative and do anything involving a circle or circles.

Explore circular patterns in any way. I was flipping through a book with pie charts and suddenly got the idea for this. What do you think? I'm not sure everyone would love to have their personality dissected, but Lucas is a good sport.

Check out Max's second submission, for an example of something experimental. And be sure to look at the projects other people have posted so far this month. Their work may inspire you.

October is more than halfway over, hope to seen your own experiments soon.

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