Wednesday, October 10, 2012

5 useful photo tutorials

I haven't felt too inspired to post since I've been busy working on other projects, so I'm going to share 5 of my favorite tutorials from Pinterest, in no particular order (NOTE: Clicking once gets you to the pin on my pinboard, from there, click again to see the actual tutorial):

1. Improve focus in photography by enabling Autofocus Point Display. Get instant feedback on where your camera focused. Sometimes it can be annoying to have a little red dot on screen indicating where you focused, but it can also be extremely helpful. Check out the tutorial by clicking through the link.

2. Back button focus. I actually have three of these tutorials pinned on my tutorials board, but this one is a great place to start.

3. Straighten and crop in Photoshop CS5. Did you know you that you can straighten and crop in a single click? This tutorial shows you the more traditional way (the way I've always done it) and then a little trick to speed things up.

4. Selective sharpening in Photoshop. This Youtube video shows you how to use the selective sharpening tool. Sometimes when a tool sucks in an earlier version of Photoshop (like dodge and burn once did), we just never use it. Here is a case where in CS5 things got better.

Source: via Marc on Pinterest

5. This is actually five in one, but I was particularly interested in the fifth of the "non-destructive photoshop techniques" in this tutorial. Check it out and see.

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