Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Concept inspiration from one of my students

I have been procrastinating doing final grades (tomorrow, I promise) so I don't want any of my students who are reading to think that this post means your projects aren't good. I just happened to look at Ryan's yesterday because he was in my office, and I liked the idea so much I thought I'd share it as concept inspiration. Seriously, I wish I had thought of this.

Here's the background: He was in the library searching for a book. Next to the computers are little slips of paper for jotting down references. The slips were made of cards cut in half, cannibalized from the thousands of index cards that have since been replaced by computers. It's kind of tragic, really, to think of those relics of the pre-digital world ripped from their original role and cast aside next to their victors. But I digress...

Something sparked an idea and Ryan asked the librarians if they had any more of the old cards. They responded by hauling out a big box full of them, and he went to work giving the cards a new life.

I won't explain the rest because he has written an excellent intro in his own post and I want you to check it out. It's a three part post, very entertaining and inspiring. I would love to see an entire book of these. Enjoy:


  1. What a great idea! There is so much potential in combining written words with photographs, and this is a really excellent implementation of this concept. Grade AAA for me.

  2. Thanks for sharing this fabulous idea. I love it's originality. I hope he gets top marks.

    P.S I stumbled across your blog from a friend who is a follower.

  3. Wow. I can't believe I hadn't looked at this until now. The concept is so great, and he got some great shots, too! Love it.
