Saturday, May 7, 2011

A little hommage to Atget...

Something about French storefronts is appealing even when what's on display is not.The shots are from my wanderings today in one of my favorite neighborhoods.

I'm going to force myself to at least post photos more often, even if I don't have time to do real posts. I'm busy making other people do posts right now. Check out what my students are doing on our study abroad blog. These are not photography students with high end equipment, but I've seen some pretty cool stuff in a "photo du jour" thing we've been doing in class. This week they are supposed to do a post inspired by the photographers we just studied: William Klein, William Eggleston, Eugene Atget, or Henri Cartier-Bresson. They've just posted and I have yet to look at them (and do the horrible task of grading), but I'm sure you'll enjoy seeing Paris through their eyes.


  1. I love these shots. I agree, your store fronts are so much more pretty there than here : ). I shot some recently. If I could ever stop editing people shoots I could do some fun stuff. : ) I miss the fun stuff.
