Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Communication breakdown

Chartres post office box, 2011

To say that our internet connection has been fickle lately is like calling a prostitute "a bit of a flirt." In rare moments like these (at 2:11 a.m.) when the wifi suddenly works, I leap at the chance to post a photo...anything at all...like this "three strikes you're out" mailbox. Aside from the fact that I am drawn to this sort of (ugly?) modern relic, the photo resonated with my current feelings of estrangement from analog communication as I realize to what degree I have abandoned it. 


  1. I love this picture. Beautiful.
    I bought some pretty paper recently just so I could support the US postal service : ) I am going to write at least 20 letters this summer.

  2. I love this picture and cracked up at your prostitute analogy, too funny.
