No, I didn't do it. I couldn't draw to save my life, let alone spray paint. I'm working on a metro project that will probably take another 10 years to finish. It's not about graffiti, but I just discovered that line 3 has more graffiti on the cars than all of the other lines (as far as I know) combined. This is my last week in Paris, and I'm running all over the place trying to finish up projects before heading back to the U.S.
As I write this, it's 1:42 a.m. in Paris, so technically, I should have a new monthly special ready to go. But given how tomorrow (or rather, today) looks (last day teaching, special photo lecture to a local women's group), I may be a day late. There are still things I wanted to cover in November, but I'll have to get to those later.
For those who have been missing the tutorials, once I'm back in the States, the slower pace of things will definitely be more conducive to tutorials. But for now, it's madness.
I can't believe you found this. It's just too perfect.
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